I should have posted this one, before the previous, but since my priorities are down right convoluted, that came first and this next. This is actually in answer to myself. My birthday was quite a surprise really, contrary to the dark fears I had on the eve of the day. Have you ever heard of birthday blues? May be I'm the only one in the world who has it. No apparently I'm not. a Mr.Milton M.D. Ph.D has wondered if happy ocassions like birthdays have negative effects on people. He was talking about his 75 yr old patient by the way. And another Mr. Hart thinks the blues can come as early as 18. Sir, I have a clarification, is 24 early or late? This was the input google provided me with, to reassure me that I'm not alone. Thanks Google!!!I don't know what I'll do without you.
Well, all that is besides the point. The primary issue of importance is that my birthday did have a surprise element, remember? (if there are any readers at all) But for those who compete with me in extending imagination, I did not turn 26 or 28 on my 24th birthday. I just turned 24. Neither did 50 people wish me. Out the five usual wishes I get, one forgot! She said she was 'lost'. And I'm not, because I still keep track of the 5 measly wishes. I'm telling you it was not such a surprise of a surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.
So Priya and me make it to dinner. At Bella Ciao. Right next to where I work, she had made it sound like the best Italian Restraunt ever. But they served Brocolli on the pizza. Who does? Well they do, and if you want to try it please go there. There is only one thing that is nice about that place, it's got a cute roof top - terrace setting where even the most unromantic couple can get into the swing. But actually that did not matter to me, because I was devoid of a romantic element, or rather even if there was one, was just missing him terribly!!!
Thats when my birthday cake came. Its the cutest birthday cake I've ever got. Will upload the picture soon, if there are any readers of my blog at all. For now I'll make do with describing it. Twas a cute little cake, just enough for Priya, me and two other nice people. Chocolate, with the prettiest pink icing I've ever ever seen. It had 2 candles stuck on it. Really it was like welcoming a two year baby girl into her third year. Thanks Priya!!!that was just so sweet of you.
And who knows me better than her, she sang me happy bithday, as she caught pics of me cutting the cake. Poor her, and ridiculous me. I don't know if its shameful to admit that my circle of friends has not undergone any change what so ever since I left college. (I think I'm growing old, contrary to my grandmother who is certain about having stayed stuck at 72 for the last seven years although atleast one of her children have turned 60 in the last 3 years. ) My solitude seemed to evince sympathy from the couple who occupied the table near us. It would be very nasty on my part if I said they were drooling at the cake. They were nice people. They actually sang as I cut the cake. And therefore I had no issues sharing my cake with them.
I think I stand corrected, and if there is anyone at all reading my blog, you know what, surprises need not necessarily come from people you know. Ah wow!!!what a preacher. I think I should write a book in competition to Kahlil Gibran's Prophet.(what d'ya say?)
We have moved
3 years ago
thanks for that lil note abt me... :(..
i have birthday blues too! but one point of difference is that I wish people actually forget my birthday and something miraculous happens in that the world comes to an end for just 1 day and everything resumes normality soon after... ah don't want to post my sob story here... what I started to say was really cute blog :) About Broccoli on pizza... a bit bizzare but I like both the things (surprise! surprise!) so I wouldn't really mind..
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