Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sometimes, I want to dance,
Though I know how bad at that I am,
Just you and me and a sweet lil prance,
Its still my dream, my man.

Sometimes, when my world comes crashing down,
When I think I have nowhere else to go,
Its so badly then that I want you around,
To be the sea, into which my tears flow.

When the weather's nice, I think of you,
I long to walk holding hands,
Beside the sea a pretty blue,
Along the golden sands.

When my mood lifts I want to hear,
I want to see,
You, my darling, my dear.

But I wonder if you think of me,
I wonder if you remember,
Or I'm just a tiny drop in the sea,
That is my gravest fear.

Tosses and turns in the boat,
And still I sing my song,
But you struggle to stay afloat,
And then I am wrong!

I don't know how far we've come,
Or how much we have to go,
But tosses and turns in the boat,
And you struggle to stay afloat.

I stick my hand out,
I think I can pull you up,
But thats where you choose to stay,
Thats how you go away.

But I still long for a song,
I want to hold hands and dance,
I still want a walk in the rain,
But for you, it's all a strain.

So I watch from the boat as you sink,
As you disappear between the waves,
That's the end, you choose to give,
For all those memorable days.


sansmerci said...

aweomse work.. man so long since i wrote a poem.. plz keep writing .. even if he disappears .. don become numb n lose inspiration to lose like me ..

Anonymous said...

wow! that is some stuff :) wow nivi...

Sugar said...

thanks for the words of encouragement:D

adulation huh?

Abhinav said...

its really nice

Curry Pan said...

cessewonderful nive!! but y so sad girl?? n sooooo long since u posted!! one month!! wan hear from u!! wat's up?? :)

Sugar said...

wow!!thanks aarabhi..
yup..been a long time...but i got em warped exams coming up i've trapped my creative genius!
will make it back soon!
till then,